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Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory (2014)
Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory (2014) from

A groundbreaking documentary that explores the transformative power of music on individuals with dementia. "Alive Inside" follows the journey of Dan Cohen, a social worker who introduces a simple yet profound intervention: personalized music playlists. As the music plays, dormant memories awaken, emotions are stirred, and connections are forged. The film unveils how music can unlock hidden worlds, restore dignity, and provide solace to those living with memory loss. It challenges the perception of dementia as a hopeless condition, offering a glimmer of hope and a reminder of the enduring power of human connection through the universal language of music.


"Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory" is a documentary that explores the profound impact of music on individuals with dementia. The film follows Dan Cohen, a social worker who witnesses firsthand the transformative power of music therapy in nursing homes. Inspired by the remarkable results, Cohen embarks on a mission to bring music to those suffering from memory loss.

Through Cohen's efforts, the Music & Memory program is launched, providing iPods loaded with personalized music playlists to residents in nursing homes. The film captures the extraordinary journeys of several individuals, including Henry, a non-verbal man who rekindles his love for opera, and Mike, a Marine veteran who finds solace in the melodies that evoke memories of his past.

As the program gains momentum, Cohen and his team encounter skeptics who question the effectiveness of music therapy for dementia patients. However, overwhelming evidence emerges, demonstrating that music can stimulate dormant memories, reduce agitation, improve cognitive function, and bring joy to those who have been lost in the shadows of dementia.

"Alive Inside" is a poignant exploration of the connection between music and human consciousness. It sheds light on the hidden world of dementia and the power of music to unlock the doors to memory, connection, and hope. The film serves as a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can find healing and rejuvenation through the transformative medium of music.

Movie Info

  • Rating: PG-13
  • Genre: Documentary, Music
  • Original Language: English
  • Director: Michael Rossato-Bennett
  • Stars: Dan Cohen, Henry Cohen, Bill Shannon, Mary Anne O'Brien
  • Producer: Dan Cohen, Eric Schultz, Elena Meredith, Michael Rossato-Bennett
  • Writer: Michael Rossato-Bennett
  • Release Date: 2014
  • Runtime: 79 minutes
  • Distributor: Lionsgate
  • Production Co: RadicalMedia
  • Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Where to Watch

Alive Inside: A Story Of Music And Memory is available to stream on the following platforms:



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